more fairly
- adv.公正地;公平合理地;(用以强调)简直,竟然;一定地;相当地
- fairly的比较级

We should more fairly envy them for their luck .
They can also do it more fairly .
We would like to be able to even out the workload more fairly .
But perhaps if the upside were better understood , the benefits might be more fairly shared .
They urge the government to become aware of inequalities and to distribute wealth more fairly .
Possibly in future the wealth of the whole world will be shared more fairly among countries than it is now .
The testing result indicates that the fuzzy policy is more fairly , interactive and flexible , and it makes the system more general .
But given a 5 per cent or so appreciation each year , the renminbi will soon become more fairly valued .
and with the renminbi more fairly valued today it is difficult to see China running big balance of payment surpluses again .
He characterized China 's move as'a small step on the long road toward playing more fairly in global trade , but only time will tell . '
The calculated results of lateral movement of the improved method are checked more fairly well with field measurements than those of the unimproved ones .
STUDENT : " A simplified tax code and a that more fairly and correctly taxes the wealth in this country is obviously preferable . "
Had the news about the torture come out while Moore was making his film , there would have been some more fairly devastating material .
Over the past one year since the introduction of Chinese anti-monopoly law , it playing an important role in creating more fairly competition environment and protecting consumers ' right .
One of these was how we can help countries manage and transform their natural resource wealth into long-term economic growth that spreads the benefits more fairly among their people .
Finally non-linear programming model which has object function as investment yield is established in stock distribution center , so that every retailer stockholder 's yield is balanced more fairly .
While no one is predicting the accord will unleash a flood of new investment right away , it will at least force Vietnam to play more fairly with foreign investors .
Finally , the specific measures are put forward in the paper from the perspective of pursuing efficiency more fairly . The paper illustrates the relationship between equality of financial investment of higher education and efficiency of higher education .
This will enable the financial sector to contribute to economic prosperity , while more fairly sharing the proceeds and making crises on the scale we have witnessed less likely and ultimately less damaging .
In an online trust game where players could lower their chances of winning by warning others about cheaters , the threat of being the subject of bad gossip encouraged people to play more fairly .
Most importantly of all , Chinas accession to the WTO in November 2001 - which the UK fully supported - marked the opening up of new opportunities for British business and the chance to compete more fairly in a huge market place .
RPR is a new data-oriented technique that can be used to transmit data information in optical channel . It can not only keep the reliability of SONET / SDH , but also can allocate the bandwidth more fairly and transmit data more effectively .
The same philosophy informs the Cisco and Deloitte programmes , which generate a scatter chart of team performance , rather than a single number , allowing managers to spot outliers and assess how individuals are doing more fairly and accurately .
In recent weeks China 's leaders have been talking up the need to enhance the rule of law.Their aim is to strengthen the Communist Party 's grip on power while at the same time ensuring that justice is served more fairly . This may improve thelives of some .
They have been swollen by the 35-hour limit on the work week and the burden of social welfare contributions for programmes such as family subsidies – which would be more fairly funded by the entire population , via sales taxes such as value added tax .
This outward mutability indicated , and did not more than fairly express , the various properties of her inner life .
The films characterized the special people more objectively and fairly to represent the truth .
If this feels like yet one more piece of fairly routine code , then you 're right & it is !
So far , adverbs of degrees have been always more significant , fairly complicated and used frequently in adverbs in Chinese .
Therefore , people 's court information management and the application are the development tendency , the people 's court trial and each work information application level is higher , more can realize fairly with the efficiency , more can impel the social progress and the development .